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Aesthetic Gynaecology Treatments 

Feminine Non-Surgical Treatments

Dr Rockson took special interest in aesthetic gynaecology after she realised how many women were seeking her advice for treatment. She went on to study this specialist subject and received her diploma from the Warsaw University in Poland.


Non-invasive treatments allows you to pop in your lunch break or one morning. With no down time it is the perfect solution for common problems that women struggle with post-birth or post-menopause. 

Book a consult with Dr Rockson to find out how she can help you.

Aesthetic Services


G-Spot enhancement and O shot

The results of this treatment are long lasting and lead to improvement in sex drive, sensitivity and arousal.

The G Spot is an area located on the upper part of the vagina and is responsible for a vaginal orgasm

The procedure involves using the patient’s blood, after separation, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is obtained. This part of the patient’s own blood contains stem cells and growth factors which are multipotent and are injected into the G spot. A full medical history and examination will be done to exclude organic or psychological pathology.



Labiaplasty is a procedure that involves modification of the inner and the outer lips depending on the patient’s concerns and needs. Reduction in size, or correction of symmetry can be achieved.

After significant weight loss, childbirth or excessive waxing, some laxity or loss of volume may occur. Fillers are a semi-permanent solution. This procedure is performed in the rooms under local anaesthesia. The results are satisfying and will last for 18 months



This procedure involves removing excess loose skin or tissues from the vaginal canal.

This reconstructive procedure rebuilds the pelvic floor in cases where women have experienced stretching of the vaginal tissues and muscles, as well as the perineal body at the entrance of the vagina.

Vaginoplasty surgery can be combined with labiaplasty surgery and can be performed as a day case surgery.


Laser Vaginal Tightening and Rejuvenation

This is a painless in room procedure that treats vaginal dryness, recurrent urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence and vaginal laxity requiring tightening using Femilift with CO2 laser technology.



There are some women who experience pain during intercourse due to the involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscles thereby leading to sexual discomfort and dysfunction.

Small injections containing the Botulin toxin are injected in those muscles around the entrance of the vagina to help relax them. The effects are normally long lasting and the patient does not require repeat treatment.


Who is suitable for aesthetic procedures?

  • Physically and psychologically fit and healthy

  • Bothered by the function of their vagina, perhaps following childbirth or due to age

  • Have REALISTIC expectations of what can be achieved by the procedures

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